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3914 plików
204,57 GB

  • 12 KB
  • 6 lip 13 13:42
1. Rites Of Descent
2. Revenant
3. Entrenching Presences
4. Manifesting Shambolic Aura
5. Demons In My Room
6. Below
7. From The Ruins

  • 8 KB
  • 6 lip 13 13:42
1. Arafel
2. Daath
3. Black Witchcraft Or Ancient Lore Of Black
4. Guide Is Found
5. All Shell Bear Witness I
6. All Shell Bear Witness II
7. Age Of Titans
8. Proverbs Of Hell
9. I am The Grave Of The 80's (Darkthrone Cover)

  • 27 KB
  • 5 lip 13 14:44
1. Intro: Sic Volvere Parcas
2. Supremo Die
3. Rex Occultus
4. Outro: Viae Solitariae

  • 6 KB
  • 5 lip 13 14:44
1. Besatt av Maane og Natt
2. Aapne Kister og Tomme Graver
3. Marefar
4. Tornekroner og Geitehorn
5. Blant fjell og falne
6. Stjernesluker
7. Og Englene Dinglet fra Galgene…
8. Saa Tok Alt Slutt

  • 20 KB
  • 5 lip 13 14:44
1. Memento Mori
2. White Corpse
3. Myth Turned Alive
4. Face of Granite
5. Messiah for the Dying World
6. Wings of the Archangel
7. Memento Mori II
8. Autumn of Blood and Steel
9. Memento Mori III

  • 9 KB
  • 5 lip 13 14:44
1. Der Rhum des heiligen Messers!
2. Schwarzer Gral
3. Die Prophezeiung vom Teufel
4. Das Leben wie der Krieg
5. Das Grabfeld
6. Krematorium!
7. Heil Teufel!
8. Outro

  • 19 KB
  • 5 lip 13 14:44
1. Upheaval of the Soul
2. Black Knowledge
3. Solitude with the Devil
4. I Was Able to Guess
5. Demon's Breath
6. Ominous Numinous

  • 63 KB
  • 4 lip 13 16:59
1. Azerate
2. En hymn til døden
3. Slangens kall
4. I et endeløst kaos
5. Djevelens evangelie
6. Svart magi
7. Stemmer fra tidens skapelse
8. I djevelens tegn
9. I det lyset går ned

  • 15 KB
  • 4 lip 13 16:35
1. I skuggans famn
2. Av død skal du herske
3. Mørkrets sirkel
4. Inn i fjellets dypeste dyp
5. Gal tjener

  • 13 KB
  • 4 lip 13 16:35
1. Siohhên þiufal
2. Zi uualþan
3. Bluoþ Buohha
4. Sedhalgang
5. Tôdhên Uoþal
6. Ânagift þer uuintar I
7. Eisenthal
8. Alamana Lioþ
9. Got þer Mana Nîdh
10. Uuintarnaht (Falkenbach cover)
11. Âfaro Innan Nebul

  • 20 KB
  • 4 lip 13 16:35
1. Cri de guerre
2. Fier patriote
3. Vent de puissance
4. L'appel de la mort
5. Comme une charogne
6. Plus les jours s'avancent
7. Triste pensée
8. Pluie de couteaux

  • 50 KB
  • 4 lip 13 16:35
1. Consagración Antes de tu Muerte
2. Abismo Sacrifícame en Dolor
3. Cenotafio en Memoria de Cristo
4. Veneración de la Bestia Suprema
5. Manifiesto Agonía de Muerte
6. Implorando Genocidio
7. Petrificado en tu Misericordia
8. Sombras de Muerte y Sufrimiento
9. Crematorio
10. Era Cristiana
11. Alma en Dolor
12. Hammer of Satan (Archgoat cover)

  • 18 KB
  • 1 lip 13 18:00
1. Earth Decimated
2. Eternities of Suffering Endured
3. Beast of the Depths
4. Descent into Total Madness
5. O' Fortuna
6. Grief
7. Solitude
8. Behold the Trinity Maimed and Rotten
9. A Pig Hung in Golgotha
10. Necessary Evil

  • 12 KB
  • 1 lip 13 18:00
1. Your Doom Proceeding
2. Virtual Charlatan
3. Persephone
4. Debris
5. Sodom & Gomorra
6. Nekromorph
7. Succubus
8. Movement of Desperation
9. Assassin Angel
10. Dogmata
11. Vater Unser

  • 15 KB
  • 30 cze 13 13:33
1. Our Fate, Written by the Constellations
2. He Who Bestows Tales of Death
3. I, the Plaguebearer...
4. ...She, the Widower
5. Our Love, Shrouded by Our Fear of Dying

  • 13 KB
  • 30 cze 13 13:32
1. I Kill Therefore I Am
2. Flesh Exposed to Bone
3. Fresh Gutted Fuck
4. Psychedelic Exploitation of Skulls
5. Bloodstained Surgeons
6. Slaughterhouse Nemesis
7. Engorging the Devourmental Void
8. Gore Galore Abusement
9. Submit to Dehumanization
10. Disinterment Delirium
11. Consuming the Decomposed

  • 14 KB
  • 30 cze 13 13:32
1. Prelude to Putrification
2. Pustulated Phallic Enthralment
3. Offal Barter
4. Circumcized with a Chainsaw
5. Atrophic Cranial Disintegration
6. Haemorrhoidal Brain Custard
7. Pulp Face
8. Maze of Entrails
9. Skewered in the Sewer

  • 13 KB
  • 30 cze 13 13:32
1. Monuments of Grief
2. In the Ashes of War
3. Posljednja zora
4. Our Funeral - Our Salvation

  • 8 KB
  • 29 cze 13 11:02
1. Immolate
2. Eradicate the Parasites
3. Flesh Grotesque
4. Skeletonized
5. I Am Pain
6. The Enemy
7. Incarnadine Revelry
8. The Dead Will Devour Us All

  • 9 KB
  • 29 cze 13 11:02
1. Into Desperation
2. Insidious Disease
3. Split and Swallow
4. Peg Out in Gastric Juice
5. Surviving the Fivefould Fitted Fistfuck
6. Abused by God
7. Genital Blood Excretion
8. A Lost Lamb
9. Shitworld (Fecal Fest)
10. The Wicked Land

  • 9 KB
  • 29 cze 13 11:01
1. Perverse Depraved Indifference
2. Abomination Within
3. Predatory Pedophiles
4. Inner Divinity
5. Against the Crusade
6. Man Is God
7. Psychotic Dementia
8. Zombified

  • 11 KB
  • 29 cze 13 11:01
1. Years of Ashes and Memory
2. Night Cold
3. Key to the Universe
4. Spring Arrival
5. Leading Spirit
6. To the Hopelessness Going
7. Reflection Thru Eternal Battles (Rundagor cover)

  • 15 KB
  • 29 cze 13 11:01
1. V.I.T.R.I.O.L.
2. Revelation
3. Arms of Kali
4. Strange Life
5. The Fallen
6. Karnak
7. The Redeemer Is a Liar
8. War of Hate
9. Black Storm
10. New Enemy

  • 9 KB
  • 28 cze 13 14:29
1. Senseless Reasonings
2. SHC
3. Bastard (de)Generation
4. Automated to Death
5. The Failure
6. Authorized Suicide
7. New Era Control
8. You Must Pay

  • 12 KB
  • 28 cze 13 14:29
1. Intro
2. Behind the Great Oppidum
3. Blood Heritage
4. Banshees
5. King of Wallachia
6. Strong Old Megalith
7. Final Battle on the Frozen Lake
8. Mag Tuired
9. Dun Aengus

  • 16 KB
  • 28 cze 13 14:29
1. Jars Of Filleted Skin (ft. Ian Dunford)
2. Enslavement Of Empires (ft. Mike O’hara)
3. Rape Victim
4. Decomposing Maggot Burger (fr. James Robert)
5. Acts Of Grotesque Perversions (ft. Angel)
6. Fetus In Fetu
7. Ingestion Of Human Remains (ft. Zack Shaw)
8. Skull Fuck Lobotomy (ft. Lord Gallows)
9. Mangled In Entrails
10. Chunked

  • 7 KB
  • 28 cze 13 14:29
1. Rex Anglorvm Saxonvm
2. The Blood of the Wyvern
3. Haraldr Sigurðsson
4. Over the Rainbow Bridge
5. A Ship Bound for Thule
6. In King Hroðgar's Hall

  • 12 KB
  • 28 cze 13 14:29
1. Taste of the Grave
2. Cosmophobia
3. Howling House
4. Boundaries of Flesh
5. Endless Night

  • 13 KB
  • 27 cze 13 14:45
1. Hateful Redemption
2. Unrelenting Need to Kill
3. Religious Plague
4. Disbelief
5. Last Hours of Humanity
6. Sinner
7. Battlefields
8. Fear the Truth
9. Cursed Inherintance
10. Blessed by the Fake Light
11. Revelations of Tormented Thoughts
12. Oblivion

  • 11 KB
  • 27 cze 13 13:22
1. Reichquiem (intro)
2. Piss on the Altar of God
3. Ejaculate upon the Holy Qur'an
4. Exterminate Christianity
5. Terrorist
6. Branded 666
7. Jesus Christ and the Christian Church
8. The Fist of Satan
9. Burn the Nations of Islam
10. Fascist Regime
11. Better to Reign in Hell...
12. The Arrogant Jews
13. Blaspheme Muhammad's Name
14. This World Belongs to Satan
15. The Oldest Man
16. Hail the Crucifixion
17. To Serve and Protect
18. March of Hate (outro)

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371 plików
5,16 MB


alemagma napisano 1.05.2024 20:24

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