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Palworld v0.

Manunu / Gry PC ♞♔♣♛♤♕♧♖♗ / Palworld v0.
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Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika

Infinite Space III Sea of Stars [PC]

Sea of Stars continues the Infinite Space series of games that defined the genre of short-form space roguelikes in Strange Adventures in Infinite Space (2001) and Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space (2005). It compresses a galaxy-spanning starship adventure into the space of a single sitting, but as the game world is randomly generated each time you play, you will keep coming back for more. There is enough variety in items, aliens and special encounters that you will always discover something new – no two sessions play the same.

Towncraft 2 [PC]

Towncraft II is real time strategy game with Warcraft 3, AoE & Minecraft as biggest inspirations. In the game, you start out as a small village and need to develop it in order to don't get destroyed by the monsters that may show up at night. Resources: There are 5 resources in Towncraft: Food (that keeps population alive), wood (that is used to build almost everything), iron (needed to train all the military units), gold (used to buy resources) and glory (used to buy upgrades for your town). Buildings: As your town level up, new buildings get unlocked, and you'll need to face tougher challenges too. There are 11 buildings to construct: houses, fences, farms, lumbermills, roads, towers, barracks, magic schools, markets, walls & mines.

Banished [PC]

Banished to strategia ekonomiczna rozgrywana w czasie rzeczywistym. Jest to debiutancki projekt studia Shining Rock Software. Rozpoczynając zabawę gracz obejmuje dowództwo nad niewielką grupą ludzi wypędzonych ze swojego rodzimego miasta. Po długiej podróży po niezbadanych krainach znajdują oni wreszcie miejsce odpowiednie do osiedlenia. Jedynym ich majątkiem są ubrania i kilka wozów z podstawowymi surowcami. Naszym pierwszym zadaniem jest zadbanie, by ta mała populacja utrzymała się przy życiu. Gdy już to osiągniemy, to możemy zająć się powolnym przeobrażeniem skromnej społeczności w potężną nację.

Asteria Resurrection [PC]

What would you do to bring back the one you love? He found his princess, his true love. And then he lost her to death. He did not give up. He fought the great dragon and won. Now the dragon must take him to Asteria, a place of magic, lore, and gods. With the right help, he hopes to restore the life of his true love.

Point Perfect [PC]

The planet is being attacked and it will take a bodaciously bad-ass cursor pilot to blast the scum to whence it came! Dodge, dip, duck, click and point your way to glory in the most gnarly retro-arcade death trap that you are likely to ever play! Point Perfect will put that “I’m a real PC gamer” attitude to the ultimate test and might make you cry a little in the process. But fear not young pilot, because with great challenge comes even greater glory and nerdy bragging rights! For a select few it will even mean graduating from the prestigious Point Perfect University of Aeronautics. Which of course includes a printable diploma that you can hang on your wall to make Mom proud!

Sproggiwood [PC]

Bring civilization to Sproggiwood, a story-driven, turn-based roguelike set in a humorous world inspired by Finnish mythology. Grow your civilization and plunder procedural dungeons with six unique classes. Outsmart mischievous monsters who work together in unexpected ways. No two dungeon dives are alike.

Man in A Maze [PC]

Enter the deadly game show of Man in a Maze and leave with much more than your life. Get your fifteen minutes of fame hiding from patrolling robots, avoiding deadly traps, collecting diamonds and tokens, and fighting back with nifty gadgets and weapons. Collect cash in the maze to upgrade your weapons and gadgets – you can only keep your prizes if you live! A simple top-down format betrays deep challenge and depth, with elements of puzzle, arcade and stealth in over 60 ever more dangerous challenges.

Stick RPG 2 Directors Cut [PC]

Get ready to enter the 2nd Dimension! Thrust into a bizarre and unfamiliar city and find your place among strange citizens. Work, Fight, Study, Eat, Drink, Gamble, Train, Sleep, Quest, Collect, Invest, Repeat. Build up your Stats and Net Worth, collect the mysterious trans-dimensional artifacts, solve the mysteries of Paper Thin City and find your way home. The Director’s Cut contains tons of new content not available in the online version

Cubemen 2 [PC]

Gra łącząca w sobie elementy strategii RTS oraz tytułów z gatunku tower defence. Gracze kontrolują oddział dzielnych żołnierzy, zbudowanych z prostych sześcianów. Twórcy przygotowali pięć wariantów rozgrywki, wymagających od nas zręczności oraz umiejętności taktycznego planowania.

Astro Emporia [PC]

Astro Emporia is a simple turn based strategy where your objective is to make as much money in a limited amount of turns. The game is designed to play a game in a few minutes which at the end you will get a high score. While the amount you buy and sell for and the resource availability is randomised each time you visit a planet, there are tactics that enable you to increase your chances at getting a profit.
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