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  • 8,3 MB
  • 11 cze 19 6:01

Following the success of Ideas Behind Modern Chess Openings comes this complete repertoire for Black that allows players to dominate the game right from the start. Award-winning openings expert Gary Lane provides every expert tip, trick, and trap in the book, and chess grids throughout demonstrate key lines and accelerate the learning process. All the games are annotated throughout, in the same appealing easy-to-follow style that has made Lane (Find the Winning Move, Grand Prix Attack) one of the most popular chess writers in the world today.

  • 5,8 MB
  • 11 cze 19 6:00

This repertoire of easy-to-learn openings, based on Garry Kasparov's move 1 d4, offers openings with a modern twist. Each one has simple principles that allow White to play just about the same moves against the Grunfeld, King's Indian, and Nimzo-Indian Defense. There are also modern systems to repel the Dutch, Benoni, and even offbeat lines such as the Englund Gambit. Nothing is left out: the tricks and traps in the opening for both sides; the basic plan and strategy using entertaining games; and how to play the middlegame by following easy plans.

  • 2,0 MB
  • 11 cze 19 5:59

One of the most influential books on chess ever published now in digital format. The Tiger is a vicious beast. He doesnt care about the aesthetic side of chess. He doesnt even care about making the best moves. All he cares about is winning. Do you want to win more games? Then become a Tiger. 'Chess for Tigers' tells you how to make the most of your playing strength, how to play upon your opponents weaknesses, how to steer the game into a position which suits you and not your opponent, how to get results against strong opposition and how to avoid silly mistakes. This is a cult classic that is as relevant to today's generation of chess players as the first edition was. Regularly voted in the top 10 best chess books of all time, this book should be read by all chess players, especially beginners who want to win at all costs. Author Information Mr Webb started to make an impact on the chess world in the 1960s. He learned the game at the age of seven and ten years later, in 1966, he was under-18 champion in Britain and fourth in the European junior Championship. He married and moved to Sweden in the 1970s and became one of the few correspondence chess Grand Masters. The first edition of Chess for Tigers was first published in 1978. The sad death of Simon Webb in March 2005 shocked the chess community.

  • 7,2 MB
  • 11 cze 19 5:57

Most players want to put a defeat behind them as a bad experience - to be forgotten as quickly as possible. But there is no better way to improve your game than by analysing your lost games to find out what went wrong and ensuring that the errors will not happen again. This original work, designed for average club players, identifies typical failings, such as poor opening preparation, inappropriate choice of openings, being tricked, losing the thread of the position, miscalculation, lack of confidence, faulty judgement, time trouble, missing opportunities, confusion, failure to adjust, and losing the initiative. Players suffering a defeat will take heart and derive benefit from this upbeat book, written in the author's informal style and gentle sense of humour.

  • 55,8 MB
  • 11 cze 19 5:42

The average club or tournament player has little time for an exhaustive study of opening theory, but does need to obtain a satisfactory middle-game position. This work is intended to provide all he needs to know to reach interesting and sharp positions which offer good prospects for the imaginative player. The authors give one line against each popular variation, with particular care being taken to choose systems which will suit the attacking player's style. A parallel volume, "Chess Openings for You", is intended to be equally suited to the positional player. Grandmaster Raymond Keene has written many chess books, including "How to Play the Nimzo-Indian" (with Shaun Taulbut) and "Batsford Chess Openings" (with Gary Kasparov). International Master David Levy specializes in sharp variations, his works including "Sicilian Dragon: Classical and Levenfish Variations" and "How to Play the King's Indian Defence".

  • 5,8 MB
  • 11 cze 19 5:34

All chess players dream of playing a perfect game, full of precisely worked-out, spectacular combinations. This is a near-impossible task in the tournament hall, with the clock ticking, which is one reason why many players prefer to play by post, telephone, fax or e-mail.
Here is the ideal introduction to the almost blunder-free world of correspondence chess.
All aspects of correspondence chess are covered, by an experienced international competitor: what openings to play, how to prepare for correspondence games, how to avoid clerical errors, and how to get started in the first place.

  • 39,8 MB
  • 11 cze 19 5:31

Over the past few years the great chess player Garry Kasparov has written five best-selling books praising the contributions to chess made by the previous world champions. The series is called "My Great Predecessors".As a reaction to this wonderful series of books, leading chess writer Tibor Karolyi has written this imaginary sixth volume. In gently humorous, though authoritative in a chess sense, style the author imagines Kasparov is annotating over 70 of his own lost games, and blaming all these defeats on the bad influence of each of the previous world champions, providing in-depth analysis to show how he was misled by them. The book also serves as a highly instructive, practical chess book - to beat Kasparov, the greatest player of all time, took some pretty special chess, and readers will enjoy learning from this.It is astonishing how the author has managed to find so many games that exhibit uncanny similarities between Kasparov and his predecessors, which makes the content of the book extremely plausible - as if Kasparov himself were writing it. This is a brilliant and totally original chess book that could only have been written by someone with great knowledge of Kasparov and the past world champions. This is an imaginary 'sixth volume' in Garry Kasparov's "My Great Predecessors" series. It analyses Kasparov's defeats in gently humorous style. It also acts as a highly useful practical chess instructor. The author is a world expert on Kasparov.

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Kot_Mateusz napisano 24.04.2024 23:39

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mp3_mp33 napisano 27.04.2024 12:02

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Stare.dobre.filmy napisano 28.04.2024 12:19

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bambina-1234 napisano 2.05.2024 08:01

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stopa77_ napisano 4.05.2024 16:09

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Kot_Mateusz napisano 7.05.2024 23:23

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bambina-1234 napisano 18.05.2024 16:45

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Tu Filmy Muzyka Tu Programy Obrazki Zapraszam Do Mnie


SkarbnicaMocy napisano 20.05.2024 05:45

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karolex3 napisano 29.05.2024 23:06

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