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widziany: 5.07.2018 19:19

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Seria świetna, zapraszam chętnych :)
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  • 8 lip 15 12:15
Readers won't want to miss the explosive final book in the Watersong series by New York Times bestselling author Amanda Hocking

Now that Gemma holds the key to breaking the siren curse, the stakes have never been higher. At last, a future with those she loves—and a romance with Alex—is close enough to touch...but not if Penn has anything to say about it. Penn is more determined than ever to have Daniel for her own and to destroy Gemma and Harper along the way, and Penn always gets what she wants. Now a final explosive battle is about to begin, and the winner will take everything Gemma holds dear.
  • 73 KB
  • 8 lip 15 12:14
The magical world of Watersong is about to change forever. The answers Gemma and her friends have been searching for are finally revealed - but evil is closing in and time is running out....

Gemma and Harper Fisher are facing the fight of their lives. Gemma has been cursed with extraordinary powers that have a terrifying dark side, but she's finally found what she needs - a way to break the curse and become human again. However, finding the means to do it will be her greatest challenge yet. And now Penn, Lexi, and Thea - the gorgeous but deadly creatures who cursed her - are determined to kill her before she has a chance. Making matters worse, Penn has her sights set on Daniel - the guy Harper loves - and Penn always gets what she wants.

As Gemma and Harper race to break the curse before it's too late, they're thrust deeper into a mythical world of immortal secrets. They must look into their enemies' past to find the answers they need, even if it means being drawn deeper into their savagely beautiful world. But one of the girls is not what she seems...and Gemma finds an unlikely ally as she struggles to save herself. Will it be enough to break an ancient curse that no one has ever escaped from alive?
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  • 8 lip 15 12:12
Don't miss the next chapter of Watersong, a bold new series that will enchant you, entrance you, and hold you captive under its spell

Now that Gemma Fisher has inherited Penn, Lexi, and Thea's curse - and all the strange new powers that come along with it - she has no choice but to run away with them. Devastated that she has to leave everyone she loves behind, she's still determined not to give in to the unspeakable hungers that plague her.
Unfortunately, they're growing stronger every day, and she's not sure how much longer she can resist.

Harper won't give up on finding her sister Gemma, vowing to get her back no matter what the cost. The search draws her closer to too-gorgeous-for-his-own-good Daniel, and tests her fiercely guarded independence like never before. She's always been the strong one who everyone else depends on.... Can she let herself depend on Daniel?

As Gemma and Harper plunge deeper into a magical world they barely understand, it becomes painfully clear that Gemma's old life may be lost forever. But can she still hold on to her humanity?
  • 26 KB
  • 8 lip 15 12:09
Fall under the spell of Wake—the first book in an achingly beautiful new series by celebrated author Amanda Hocking—and lose yourself to the Watersong.

Gorgeous. Fearless. Dangerous. They're the kind of girls you envy; the kind of girls you want to hate. Strangers in town for the summer, Penn, Lexi and Thea have caught everyone's attention—but it’s Gemma who’s attracted theirs. She’s the one they’ve chosen to be part of their group.

Gemma seems to have it all—she’s carefree, pretty, and falling in love with Alex, the boy next door. He’s always been just a friend, but this summer they’ve taken their relationship to the next level, and now there’s no going back. Then one night, Gemma’s ordinary life changes forever. She’s taking a late night swim under the stars when she finds Penn, Lexi and Thea partying on the cove. They invite her to join them, and the next morning she wakes up on the beach feeling groggy and sick, knowing something is different.

Suddenly Gemma is stronger, faster, and more beautiful than ever. But her new powers come with a terrifying price. And as she uncovers the truth, she’s is forced to choose between staying with those she loves—or entering a new world brimming with dark hungers and unimaginable secrets.
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k.celebanska napisano 9.07.2020 00:16

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kaliszaneczka napisano 15.08.2020 22:55

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Witam. Wie ktoś może skąd wziąć tłumaczenie 3 i 4 części imperium wampirów? Było chyba tylko u bikki... Ciężko przerwać czytanie w połowie jak wciągło.

goska--1975 napisano 21.12.2020 22:02

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Zdrowych, spokojnych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia oraz spełnienia marzeń i radosnych chwil w gronie najbliższych osób tego zyczę założycielom tego chomiczka bo fajny, pozdrawiam serdecznie G.

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Strefa_Usmiechu napisano 6.11.2021 20:22

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Dobry Wieczór

Zapraszam po przezabawną Komedie - świeży UPLOAD ------------ [haslo do folderu-123] --- FREE na całego Chomika (co Niedziele o 14:00)

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Miłego weekendu Chomiczku

izanowa40 napisano 19.07.2022 14:57

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witam na moim chomiku tłumaczenia prywatne serii Sands Lynsay Argenau i inne paranormal

cexidod454 napisano 21.12.2022 09:45

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Super chomik

M.K-16 napisano 29.03.2023 11:45

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Witam , pozdrawiam i zapraszam do siebie. 🔐UnicornVIP🔐

Musisz się zalogować by móc dodawać nowe wiadomości do tego Chomika.

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