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Total Carnage CD32 SE - Final.zip

RetroMancjA / Gry Retro - Amiga / CD32 / Total Carnage CD32 SE - Final.zip
Download: Total Carnage CD32 SE - Final.zip

2,35 MB

0.0 / 5 (0 głosów)
Main Changes :

Player moves much faster, similar to arcade game
Flame thrower is more powerful with a longer radius (except in two player mode, the second player to pick up a flame thrower gets a weaker version)
Removed unfair mine right at the player's starting position on level 5

As per arcade game -
Bombs have a much shorter fuse, activating almost instantly
Bombs have a wider radius
You start with three at the start of the game
You only collect one at a time

Game always starts from the last level you reached before game over, except..
If you complete the game without getting 60 flags, you can play the last level again until you do
If you complete the game with 60 flags and enter the pleasure dome, the game will start anew

Strangely offset death animation for regular enemy soldiers fixed
Added "Blow This Up" visual instruction to satellite dishes, as per arcade
Instruction also added to enemy fighter planes

Features a new song by JMD on the intro, loading and cutscenes


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Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
https://github.com/earok/AkikoWolf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zv9Qy2B-s7M
składanka - 250 gier z trybem dla dwóch (lub więcej) graczy
image host A keyboard isn't absolutely necessary to play these two, but recommended so that you can change the speed of your craft in X-Out via the F1-F5 keys (and of course to activate the trainers so you can see past the first few levels of each title). Controls for both games are listed on the CD insert provided. (Note: When X-Out has finished loading you'll need to press the Red button on controller two to start the game - this is due to the it initially being mouse controlled, although in-game it recognises the joypad as well. After playing the game once the Red button on controller one will work as a start command as well).
Main Changes : GAMEPLAY: Player moves much faster, similar to arcade game Flame thrower is more powerful with a longer radius (except in two player mode, the second player to pick up a flame thrower gets a weaker version) Removed unfair mine right at the player's starting position on level 5 BOMBS: As per arcade game - Bombs have a much shorter fuse, activating almost instantly Bombs have a wider radius You start with three at the start of the game You only collect one at a time CONTINUES: Game always starts from the last level you reached before game over, except.. If you complete the game without getting 60 flags, you can play the last level again until you do If you complete the game with 60 flags and enter the pleasure dome, the game will start anew GRAPHICAL FIXES: Strangely offset death animation for regular enemy soldiers fixed Added "Blow This Up" visual instruction to satellite dishes, as per arcade Instruction also added to enemy fighter planes AUDIO: Features a new song by JMD on the intro, loading and cutscenes
image host Battle Squadron, Hybris, Lethal Xcess, Swiv, Wings Of Death, Banshee, Mega Typhoon, Gemini Wing, Frenetic, Dragon Spirit, Bonus Unreleased - Raiden Demo!
image host Toki, Assassin S.E, Alien 3, Metal Law, Ruff 'N Tumble, Midnight Resistance, Ork, Wolfchild, Rubicon, The Killing Game Show, Lethal Weapon.
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