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21132 plików
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  • 80,4 MB
  • 6 mar 15 12:34


Android O/S :2.3.3 i nowszy.
Aktualizacja :3 stycznia 2014 (wersja aktualna na dzień uploadu).
What's in this version :

• Available for tablets and phones!
Features :

• Full 3D experience - it’s just like a real book.
• 9 interactive 3D pop-up scenes with simple tasks and games to perform.
• Read to Me, Read it Myself, and Autoplay modes.
•Includes free sticker book and jigsaw puzzle! Create your own magical 3D scenes with characters from the book.
• Available in English, French, German and Spanish.
• Fully narrated in each language by professional actors.
• Wonderfully illustrated, with beautiful, colorful imagery.
• Over 30 beautifully presented pages of text.
• Featuring a beautiful musical score and plenty of amazing sound effects.

z chomika David-Monika

  • 55,9 MB
  • 6 mar 15 12:34


Brak testu.
25 października 2014 (wersja aktualna na dzień uploadu).
Android O/S :2.3+....
Features :

* No Push Notification.
* No in-app purchases.
* Lots of fun.
* Unlock exciting content with scores.
* Explore cartoon worlds.
* Great music and friendly.
* Challenging.

z chomika TedyBoy69

  • 32,4 MB
  • 6 mar 15 12:34


Brak testu.
Aktualizacja :11 listopada 2014.
Android O/S :4.0+....
What's in this version :

* You can now water your crops with the watering can.
* We've raised the max level from 25 to 28!
* You'll be able to place new decorations.
* We've made UI and gameplay adjustments.
Features :

1. Original characters from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland☆
- Features the cheshire cat, the Queen of Hearts, the March Hare and many more of your favorite characters! You can even invite them to your garden!
2. Decorate your garden with a smorgasbord of cute, and mysterious decorations♪
- Collect decorations and build a wonderful garden of your own!
3. Harvest sweets from mysterious sweets trees.
- Collect roll cakes, cherry tarts, macarons and much more. Serve up delicious sweets to satisfy your guests♪

z chomika TedyBoy69

  • 286,5 MB
  • 6 mar 15 12:34


Android O/S :2.2 i nowsze.
Aktualizacja :24 października 2014.
What's in this version :

* Various Bug Fixes.
Features :

* Easy, kid-friendly navigation.
* Colorful illustrations.
* Touch-activated animations.
* Engaging, interactive content that brings the Bible to life.
* Fun facts and activities designed to help kids remember what they learn.
* Special challenges that let kids earn rewards.
Instrukcja :

- Rozpakuj archiwum.
- Zainstaluj Apk.
- Folder skopiuj do :sdcard/Android/Data.
- Uruchom.

z chomika David-Monika

  • 45,7 MB
  • 6 mar 15 12:34


Android O/S :2.3 i nowsze.
Aktualizacja :29 października 2014.
What's in this version :

* Halloween comes to Farmdale! Send Tricks to your friends, receive Treats in return and buy horrifying prizes!
* New spooky decorations.
* New scary animals.
* New terrifying quests.
* Happy Halloween!

z chomika David-Monika

  • 259,2 MB
  • 6 mar 15 12:34


Android O/S :3.0 i nowsze.
Aktualizacja :13 listopada 2014.
Brak danych o zmianach.

- Education. Explore the solar system and become a true space expert with numerous educational activities.
- Learning with pleasure. Turn learning into an exciting adventure and make it fun with 9 mini-games.
- Encyclopedia. Grow your knowledge with more than 70 curious space facts.
- Creativity. Develop creativity and artistic sense while enjoying galactic views and decorating your own planet.
- Family entertainment. Join your kids on their exciting space journey and learn astronomical facts all together.
- Safety. The app is safe for kids: no ads, in-app purchases, and social media links.
- develop fine motor skills.
- train memory and attention, improve logic skills.
- widen their vocabulary.
- broaden the scope of knowledge about space and the Solar System.

z chomika David-Monika

  • 34,6 MB
  • 6 mar 15 12:34


Android O/S :3.0 i nowsze.
Aktualizacja :24 października 2014.
Brak danych o zmianach.

• Unique Puzzle Platform Gameplay - Slide the Rooms to Match & Jump your way to the Red Door.
• Stunning HD Visuals - Drift away in a fantasy, kid's dream world.
• Intelligent Puzzles that will test your wits.
• Over 44 Levels and Tons of hidden items to uncover.
• Featured in Best New Games.

z chomika David-Monika

  • 135,7 MB
  • 6 mar 15 12:34


Android O/S :2.3 i nowszy.
Aktualizacja :14 listopada 2014.
What's in this version :

• Crushed some bugs.

z chomika David-Monika

  • 64,6 MB
  • 6 mar 15 12:34


Android O/S :2.3 i nowszy.
Aktualizacja :7 listopada 2014.
What's in this version :

⋆ Visit India - it’s “Kim Kardashian: Bollywood!” (Level 15+).
⋆ New private jet! Travel the world in style - and no more paying $ to travel if you own it!
- We’re Listening!
⋆ Dates won’t act like jerks all of the time.
⋆ Dates won’t break up as quickly when you don’t do well on a date.
⋆ Owning cars now make moving around the city free.
- Also :
⋆ New clothing options for guys and gals!
⋆ Millions more fans added for A-Listers to earn!
⋆ Level 28 added.

z chomika David-Monika

  • 35,7 MB
  • 6 mar 15 12:34


Android O/S :4.0 i nowszy.
Aktualizacja :31 października 2014.
What's in this version :

• This update includes lots of technical improvements and a few small surprises. Try and see what happens when you shake your device!
Features :

• Learn lots worth knowing about caring for a horse.
• Your own horse - groom, pet, ride.
• Show your abilities and ride to beat the time.
• Collect horseshoes and use them to buy inventory for the tack room.
• Jump courses, ride into the countryside and even more courses.
• 3D Quality.

z chomika David-Monika

  • 41,0 MB
  • 6 mar 15 12:34


Android O/S :2.3 i nowszy.
Aktualizacja :8 listopada 2014.
What's in this version :

• Physics Improvement.

z chomika David-Monika

  • 117,7 MB
  • 6 mar 15 12:34


"Amelia i Postrach Nocy" jest interaktywną, bogato udźwiękowioną i ilustrowaną opowieścią. Ta intrygująca przygoda zabierze Cię w podróż do odległej krainy pełnej gier, ukrytych sekretów i ciekawych wyzwań.
Poznaj Amelię - małą dziewczynkę, która mieszka w tajemniczej krainie zwanej Grzybową Polaną wraz z trzema przyjaciółmi:
▶ dużym, futrzastym misiem, małym, nieśmiałym żółwiem oraz niebieskim kotkiem który wszystkich prześciga na swoich dwóch kółkach.
▶ Przeżyj niezapomnianą przygodę, pomagając Amelii i jej drużynie uratować przyjaciela ze szponów złego Skowyta.
To opowieść o przyjaźni, odwadze i współpracy.
Android O/S :2.2 i nowszy.
Aktualizacja :25 października 2013 (wersja aktualna na dzień uploadu).
Cech gry :

✓ Znajdź 60 ukrytych gwiazdek, aby odblokować sekretny ekran na końcu opowieści.
✓ Znajdź 180 ukrytych animowanych przedmiotów i zwierzątek.
✓ Poczuj głębię 3D przechylając ekran w lewo lub prawo.
✓ Zmieniaj porę dnia - noc i dzień.
✓ Przesuwaj palcem po ekranie obracając planetę, po której idą bohaterowie.
✓ Ubierz bohaterów i przygotuj ich do przygody.
✓ Rozbij bańki mydlane dotykając ekranu.
✓ Graj wraz ze zwierzęcą orkiestrą.
- 4 MINI GRY :
✓ Kółko i krzyżyk - graj sam lub z przyjacielem.
✓ Słuchaj i powtarzaj odgłosy żab lub twórz z nich własne melodie.
✓ Szukaj przy pomocy latarki postaci ukrywających się w ciemnej komnacie.
✓ Stukaj w ekran tak szybko, aby rozbić klosz i uwolnić zwierzęta.

z chomika David-Monika

  • 32,1 MB
  • 6 mar 15 12:34


Android O/S :4.0 i nowszy.
What's in this version :

*Bug fixes.
Key Features :

•75 levels in 3 different worlds.
•The most adorable chameleon ever seen.
•Compete with your G+/Facebook friends.
•Mind blowing graphics.
•Watch how your friends solve the quest.
•Easy to play, hard to master.
•Short Cham Cham animation clips.

z chomika David-Monika

  • 27,3 MB
  • 6 mar 15 12:34


Android O/S :2.3 i nowszy.
Aktualizacja :31 października 2014.
Brak danych o zmianach.
Features :

-The HOURGLASS !!! you can back in time and retry without losing items or restart from checkpoints !!
-The Chest avoids you to lose catched items.
-The Compass locates the items.
-The Magnet attracts far items.

z chomika David-Monika

  • 157,5 MB
  • 6 mar 15 12:34


Android O/S :2.3 i nowszy.
Aktualizacja :24 września 2014.

• Simple and intuitive touch and tilt controls.
• Complete painting activity for whatever the mind dreams.
• Advanced Bug designer activity (includes a disco floor for testing creations!).
• 20+ design tools, including camera and bug brushes that you can control!
• 10+ backgrounds for fun art design.
• 40+ stickers for instant fun (position, rotate, and scale).
• 7 Interactive learn to draw bug designs.
• Incredible HD graphics.
• Large variety of beautiful and fun music.
• Multiple user profiles (even separates art by user).
• Localized for: English, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish.

z chomika David-Monika

  • 28,6 MB
  • 6 mar 15 12:34


"Crystal Crash Maths" to zabawna gra matematyczna, która obejmuje szeroki zakres celów edukacyjnych. Gra jest starannie zróżnicowana, aby spełnić oczekiwania nauczania matematyki dla dzieci w wieku 5-11 lat.
Android O/S :2.2 i nowszy.
Aktualizacja :15 września 2014.

z chomika David-Monika

  • 8,0 MB
  • 6 mar 15 12:34


"Kids Words" - interaktywna gra dla dzieci do nauki angielskich słówek.
Android O/S :2.3 i nowszy.
Aktualizacja :27 października 2014.
Features :

- Interactive study of the English.
- Developed especially for kids.
- Top topics from English.

z chomika David-Monika

  • 18,8 MB
  • 6 mar 15 12:34


Brak testu.
Aktualizacja :10 maja 2014 (wersja aktualna na dzień uploadu).
Android O/S :2.3+...
What's in this version :

●optimization + preventing device sleep (screen off) when playing.

z chomika Acta

  • 17,5 MB
  • 6 mar 15 12:34
Aktualizacja :23 października 2014.
Android O/S :2.3+...
What's in this version :

●We fine-tuned the piano, polished his bowl and added fresh (bug free!) food.

- Talk to Larry: Speak and he repeats what you say in his own hilarious voice.
- Play with Larry: Stroke him, poke him and see what happens.
- Feed Larry: Give him seeds and watch him peck!
- Explore the fun actions: Hit Larry with a bolt of lightning or make him take a bow.
- Become a musician: Use the piano keys to make Larry whistle any song you play.

z chomika Acta

  • 110,3 MB
  • 6 mar 15 12:34


Brak testu.
Aktualizacja :9 stycznia 2014 (wersja aktualna na dzień uploadu).
Android O/S :4.0+...
What's in this version :

●Version 1.4.0 includes the following:
- Fix for an issue affecting proper animation playback on the Nexus 5.
●Version 1.3.0 includes the following:
- Support for Immersive Full-Screen Mode in Android 4.4 (KitKat).
- Enables app download and transfer to SD card on supported devices.
- Back button for devices with soft keys will not exit the app (but will allow navigation within the app).
- Back button for devices with hard keys is disabled to help prevent children for accidentally leaving the app.
Features :

- Over 50 words to explore and learn. Please note that this app comes free with 7 word puzzles and animations. A one-time in-app purchase will unlock the rest.
- Delightful animations teach children the definitions of the words in a fun and engaging way.
- Word game teaches children letters.
- Endless Alphabet was designed with your children in mind. There are no high scores, failures, limits or stress. Your child can interact with the app at their own pace.

z chomika TedyBoy69

  • 43,7 MB
  • 6 mar 15 12:34


Brak testu.
Aktualizacja :23 października 2014.
Android O/S :2.3.3+...
What's in this version :

• Bug fixes.
• Added NEW "Warehouse" level.
• Added in-game instructions.
• Changed camera field of view.
• More balanced controller.
• Increased quality and optimized performance.
Features :

- Stunning high quality 3D graphics.
- Smooth and optimized performance.
- Easy controls.
- Multiple game modes.
- Cool apartment to explore.
- Cool warehouse to explore.
- Ability to customize your dog.
- Hundreds of items to play with.

z chomika TedyBoy69

  • 45,7 MB
  • 6 mar 15 12:34


Brak testu.
23 października 2014.
Android O/S :2.3.3+...
Features :

- Stunning high quality 3D graphics.
- Smooth and optimized performance.
- Easy controls.
- Multiple game modes.
- Cool apartment to explore.
- Cool warehouse to explore.
- Ability to customize your cat.
- Hundreds of items to play with.

z chomika TedyBoy69

  • 15,3 MB
  • 6 mar 15 12:34


Nie testowana ("łezka się kręci".. ot, zrozumieją tylko ci, co pamiętają!).
Aktualizacja :11 lipca 2014 (wersja aktualna na dzień uploadu).
Android O/S :2.3+...
Brak danych o zmianach.

z chomika Acta

  • 79,6 MB
  • 6 mar 15 12:34


Przetestowana (sterowanie z pozoru nie takie łatwe ale trening czyni mistrza... czytaj rewolwerowca).
Aktualizacja :13 października 2014.
Android O/S :4.0+...
What's in this version :

●Small Bug Fixes.
Features :

- Game play that is easy to get into but difficult to master. This game requires skill!
- 3D rendered characters and realistic environments.
- Multiple weapons ranging from the trusty six shooter to a double barrel shotgun.
- A satisfying upgrade system and customization.
- Realistic weather effects and an immersive sound track.
- PvP game play over local area networks (Wifi required).

z chomika Acta

  • 87,4 MB
  • 6 mar 15 12:34
Nie testowana.
Android O/S :2.3.3+...
Brak danych o zmianach.

z chomika Acta

  • 50,1 MB
  • 6 mar 15 12:34


Nie testowana.
12 maja 2014 (wersja aktualna na dzień uploadu).
Android O/S :2.3+...

- Over 20 characteristic mini games.
- 8 kind characters are in need.
- 7 shopping areas for managing.
- More than 80 amazing goods offered.
- You can exchange for exquisite achievements by collecting loving hearts.
- Much more hidden fun elements are waiting for you to discover.

z chomika Acta

  • 10,0 MB
  • 6 mar 15 12:34


Brak testu.
Aktualizacja :12 października 2014.
Android O/S :4.0.3+...
What's in this version :

● Fixed remote config load.

z chomika TedyBoy69

  • 42,6 MB
  • 6 mar 15 12:34


Brak testu.
27 września 2014.
Android O/S :2.3+...

z chomika TedyBoy69

  • 230,2 MB
  • 6 mar 15 12:34


Brak testu.
30 stycznia 2014 (wersja aktualna na dzień uploadu).
Android O/S :2.3.3+...
Key features:

• Full 3D experience - it’s just like a real book.
• Exciting interactive 3D pop-up scenes with simple tasks and games to perform.
• Wonderfully illustrated, with beautiful, colorful imagery.
• 36 jigsaw puzzles each with 4 different levels of difficulty.
• 36 sticker scenes with up to 600 stickers.
• Press play to see your sticker creations come to life.
• Fully narrated in each language by professional actors.
• Read to Me, Read it Myself, and Autoplay modes.
• At least 30 beautifully presented pages of text in each book.
• Features a beautiful musical score and lots of amazing sound effects.
• Fully localized for English, French, German and Spanish .

z chomika TedyBoy69

  • 15,7 MB
  • 6 mar 15 12:34


Aktualizacja :9 października 2014.
Android O/S :4.0.3+..
What's in this version :

● The mouse is now slightly sensible to gravity.
● You can flap wings three times by touching the screen before you need to land.
● The "Aerial" power is now available.
* Added a pause button to the game screen.
* Flying ennemies can now do wider movements.
* Fixed bugs with some counters and achievements.
* Fixed a bug with the timer when pausing the game.
* Fixed a bug with lava.
* Fixed some translations.

*Gierka w j. angielskim, francuskim, hiszpańskim, portugalskim, włoskim, niemieckim, norweskim, fińskim, holenderskim, rosyjskim, tureckim, węgierskim, rumuńskim, słowackim, polskim.

z chomika Acta

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277 plików
8,43 GB


WINDOWSxpSP3 napisano 11.03.2016 09:33

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