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Keri Arthur - [Riley Jenson Guardian 8] - Bound To Shadows.rar

anita_cz / E-books (Eng) / Arthur Keri / Riley Jenson Guardian / Keri Arthur - [Riley Jenson Guardian 8] - Bound To Shadows.rar
Download: Keri Arthur - [Riley Jenson Guardian 8] - Bound To Shadows.rar

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In the darkness, demons come out to play . . .
and someone must bring their sins to light.

Part vampire, part werewolf, Riley Jenson knows what can happen when vamps don’t play well with others. But she’s never seen anything like this: a series of brutal murders surrounding the latest hot spot for vampire-human hookups—and the victims aren’t just killed, they’re beheaded. Now Riley is launching into action, toying with a seductive—and highly suspicious—club owner, and finding herself in the middle of another mystery: women being killed one by one, without a trace of violence.

For Riley, solving multiple cases—in a world going mad with human and vampire passions—would have been tough enough. Instead she has two jealous lovers on her hands: Kye Murphy, the amber-eyed werewolf who makes Riley’s wolf blood howl—and Quinn, the cool, elegant vamp who has over a thousand years’ experience at fulfilling women’s desires. While she’s busy juggling these two sexy beasts, Riley’s detective work takes a stunningly violent turn. Finding a murderer is now a matter of life and death. Especially since the killer has long since found her . . .


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Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
obrazek She's hunting a killer— and shattering every boundary— she's ever known.… Part vamp, part werewolf, Riley Jenson plays by her own rules, whether it's her stormy love life or her job as a guardian. But when her family's alpha male demands that she solve the mystery of a vanished girl, Riley can feel a trap closing in around her. Because the job comes with a catch: if Riley fails, her own mother will die. Now the stakes are raised, the hunt is on...and when more women vanish, Riley is caught between a lover who demands that she give up her work, a serial killer who knows no boundaries, and a club where humans and supernaturals mix—at their own peril. Thrust into a realm of seduction and violence unlike any she could have imagined, Riley has to battle to save everything she holds dear. But the ultimate hunt has only just begun...
obrazek In a world of sorcery and seduction, the nights bring out the beautiful, the damned, and the desired. Here, Riley Jenson is on her own - half werewolf, half vampire, working for an organization created to police the supernatural races. Trusting her superiors and lovers barely more than she trusts her worst enemies, Riley plays by her own set of rules. Her latest mission: to enter the heavily guarded pleasure palace of a criminal named Deshon Starr - a madman-scientist who's been messing around in the gene pool for decades. With two sexy men - a cool, seductive vampire and an irresistibly hot wolf - vying for her attention, Riley must keep focused. Because saving the world from Deshon Starr will mean saving herself - from the trap that's closing in around her. . .
obrazek From Melbourne's gleaming skyscrapers to its throbbing nightclubs, Riley Jenson's world is raging with danger and desire. A drop-dead-gorgeous werewolf - with a touch of vamp coursing in her blood - Riley works for an organization created to police the supernatural races. But when she wakes up naked and bruised in a barren alley, she knows only that she must run for her life. Within moments Riley collides with the sexiest man she's ever seen: steely, seductive Kade, who is fighting a life-and-death battle of his own. With old lovers and enemies gathering around her, Riley knows she is being pursued by a new kind of criminal. Because in Riley's blood is a secret that could create the ultimate warrior - if only she can survive her own dangerous desires….
obrazek A rare hybrid of vampire and werewolf, Riley Jenson and her twin brother, Rhoan, work for Melbourne's Directorate of Other Races, an organization created to police the supernatural races-and protect humans from their depredations. While Rhoan is an exalted guardian, a.k.a. assassin, Riley is merely an office worker-until her brother goes missing on one of his missions. The timing couldn't be worse. More werewolf than vampire, Riley is vulnerable to the moon heat, the weeklong period before the full moon, when her need to mate becomes all-consuming.… Luckily Riley has two willing partners to satisfy her every need. But she will have to control her urges if she's going to find her brother….Easier said than done as the city pulses with frenzied desire, and Riley is confronted with a very powerful-and delectably naked-vamp who raises her temperature like never before. In matters carnal, Riley has met her match. But in matters criminal, she must follow her instincts not only to find her brother but to stop an unholy harvest. For someone is doing some shifty cloning in an attempt to produce the ultimate warrior-by tapping into the genome of nonhumans like Rhoan. Now Riley knows just how dangerous the world is for her kind-and just how much it needs her.
Wilcze echa 1968 PL.avi
generowanie podglądu
Realizatorzy filmu, odwołując się do autentycznych zdarz ...
Realizatorzy filmu, odwołując się do autentycznych zdarzeń odnotowanych w protokołach z bieszczadzkich posterunków milicyjnych, na plan pierwszy wysunęli przygodę: ucieczki i pogonie, pojedynki, sprytne pułapki i cudowne ocalenia, i oczywiście - miłość do pięknej dziewczyny, która pomaga bohaterowi w walce o sprawiedliwość. Rok 1948. W zrujnowanej, wyludnionej Derenicy koczują niedobitki okolicznych mieszkańców. Porządku pilnują nieliczne posterunki WOP-u. Do tego właśnie miasteczka przybywa zwolniony ze służby za brak dyscypliny chorąży Słotwina, dawny uczestnik walk z bandami.
Big Lebowski  1998 Lektor PL.rmvb play
ZACHOMIKUJ MNIE !!!produkcja: USA , Wielka Brytania ...
ZACHOMIKUJ MNIE !!!__extra_2565-big-lebowski1-full.jpg

produkcja: USA , Wielka Brytania gatunek: Komedia kryminalna

data premiery:1998-10-09 (Polska) , 1998-02-15 (Świat)

Lektor PL

Bohaterem jest były hipis, abnegat żyjący w ubogiej dzielnicy Los Angeles. Pewnego dnia zostaje napadnięty przez zbirów, którzy demolują mieszkanie i żądają zwrotu pożyczki. Ofiara napadu dowiaduje się, że zaszła pomyłka. Dłużnikiem jest miejscowy milioner, noszący to samo nazwisko.

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Na podstawie Claude Anet i Michaela Arnolda W roku 18 ...
obrazek Na podstawie Claude Anet i Michaela Arnolda W roku 1881 arcyksiążę Rudolf, następca tronu Austrowęgier, zostaje zmuszony do zawarcia małżeństwa z księżniczką Stefanią. W roku 1888 spotyka młodą arystokratkę Marię Vetserę, w której się zakochuje. Próbuje unieważnić nie udane małżeństwo i połączyć się z ukochaną. Na drodze staje im jednak cesarz Franciszek Józef reżyseria: Terence Young obsada;Omar Sharif ,James Mason ,Ava Gardner ,Catherine Deneuve
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