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Haven (War of the Princes) - Ivanovich, A. R_.mobi

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Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
obrazek In this book by author Melanie Dickenson, the story of Sleeping Beauty is retold through the life of Rose, the young daughter of a woodcutter, who has fallen in love with the perfect man for her, only to be kept away from him due to a curse.
obrazek The colonies of Mistria are in turmoil. They face wars between the competing empires and and insurrection from natives and colonists alike. Prince Vladamier is a Norillian noble, and Nephew to King Richard. He has little political power, but struggles to ensure the colonists interests are represented back in the court. The one thing he does have is a wurm... one of the few existing "dragons" from a clutch of eggs discovered in the old world, hundreds of years ago. As Mistria swirl into chaos, Vlad is married off to an old world princess. This new alliance is supposed to help supply money and mercenaries to help put down the various insurrections. Nobody suspects that Vlad's wurm is about to undergo a change that will impact the worlds delicate political balance...
obrazek Ghost Town is the hottest amusement park in the country, offering state-of-the-art chills and thrills involving the paranormal. The park's main ride is a haunted mansion that promises an encounter with a real ghost. When Maia Peters visits during her senior year of college, she's not expecting to be impressed. Maia grew up as the only child of a pair of world-renowned "ghost hunters," so the paranormal is nothing new. In fact, the ride feels pretty boring until the very end. There, a face appears from the mist. The face of Jordin Cole, a girl who disappeared from campus a few months ago. Convinced what she saw wasn't a hoax and desperate to find answers to Jordin's disappearance, Maia launches into a quest for answers. Joined by Jordin's boyfriend--a pastor's kid with very different ideas about the spirit realm--Maia finds herself in a struggle against forces she never expected to confront.
obrazek Nowe idzie. Jedenastu autorów, jedenaście tekstów. Olejniczak, Kilian, Miszczak, Rogoża, Przechrzta, Skalska, Majka, Juraszek, Wegner, Zbierzchowski, Małecki. XIX-wieczny fallout, parahorror o ciele i krwi, religijna space opera, fantastyka emigracyjna, słowiańskie neofantasy, militarna science fiction bliskiego zasięgu ? Albo inaczej: umierający Paryż Ludwika Filipa, w którym panuje wieczna, postapokaliptyczna noc; eksperymenty z ciałem, których celem jest coś więcej niż zmiana płci; wysłannik Watykanu, odległy układ gwiezdny i tajemnicze objawienia; Wyspa otoczona przez wody apokaliptycznego kataklizmu; rozciągnięte na milionlecia chronowojny, prowadzone przez podróżników pomiędzy światami; miłość i opętanie w sennym, górskim miasteczku; czwórka żołnierzy uwięziona na zatopionej łodzi podwodnej? Jaka jest polska fantastyka A.D. 2008? O czym piszą autorzy wchodzącego na literacki Parnas pokolenia fantastów? Czy tak wygląda przyszłość polskiej science fiction? obrazek
obrazek Doskonała kontynuacja "Z mgły zrodzonego". Dokonali niemożliwego, obalając niemal boską istotę, której brutalne rządy trwały tysiąc lat. Teraz Vin, wychowanka ulicy, która wyrosła na najpotężniejszą Zrodzoną z Mgły w krainie, i Elend Venture, zakochany w niej szlachetnie urodzony idealista, muszą zbudować nowe społeczeństwo na gruzach imperium. I wtedy atakują ich trzy oddzielne armie. Jedynie starożytna legenda daje cień nadziei. Ale nawet jeśli Studnia Wstąpienia istnieje, nikt nie wie, gdzie jej szukać i jakimi mocami obdarza. Być może zabicie Ostatniego Imperatora nie było wcale najtrudniejsze i prawdziwym wyzwaniem okaże się przetrwanie po jego upadku. obrazek
obrazek Frey is the leader of a small and highly dysfunctional band of smugglers, occasional pirates and sometime fraudsters. An inveterate womaniser and rogue, he and his gang make a living on the wrong side of the law, existing on the fringes of the empire, avoiding the attention of the Union Navy. With two ragged fighter craft and a small cargo ship on the verge of falling apart, he and his gang run contraband, rob ships and generally make a nuisance of themselves. So a hot tip on a cargo barque loaded with valuables seems like a great prospect for an easy heist and a fast buck ...right up until, on their opening salvo, the whole thing explodes. Suddenly Frey isn't a nuisance anymore - he's public enemy number 1 with the Union on his tail and contractors hired to take him down. Including his oldest and dealiest rival, Frey's ex-wife. But something about the explosion doesn't make sense. The barque must have been rigged to blow, and Frey's been framed to take the fall.But if he wants to prove it, he's going to have to catch the real culprit - and that means heading into the heart of the Union, and following a trail through the criminal underworld that could ultimately lead to the very top. It's going to take all his criminal talents to prove he's not a criminal ... obrazek
obrazek A major new epic fantasy from the worldwide bestselling author Julian May. High Blenholme is a lush but treacherous island comprised of four feudal domains, three of them owing fealty to the fourth, Cathra. The domains are in perpetual political turmoil and border skirmishes are commonplace. The island is not only under constant attack from marauding sea-monsters, inhabitants of nearby islands, but also from the demonic woodland outlaws called Green Men, and overhead looms a giant moon, possible source of otherworldly beings who have been known to grant magical gifts. When Bram, the Sovereign King's younger son (also an apprentice alchemist), attempts to help his elder brother escape an arranged marriage by invoking these alien creatures, he unwittingly sets in motion a chain of events that will lead to cataclysmic civil war.
obrazek The Prescot family were miners. At one time, they were contracted to develop technology for a mineral rich but uninhabitable system. Gradually, all the investors shied away. Then the Prescots broke through with the technology needed to exploit entire planets, and incidentally develop domed playgrounds for the perversely rich, including indoor ski slopes and cable cars over megavolcanos, casinos and rides. This created the economic problem of being the richest people in the universe, having more money than most governments and effectively unlimited resources. Money is a small blessing when enemies are quite willing to spend billions for the chance at trillions. Bryan Prescot and his daughter might as well have targets painted on their backs for the thugs, kidnappers and assassins their cmpetitors would throw at them. Bodyguards were necessary - Highly trained bodyguards who could be bought once and be utterly loyal no matter the circumstances. The altercation comes to a head inside the domes and mines of Govannon, with their enemy desperate to do anything to save their own lives, now that the gloves are off. Caron Prescot has only six bodyguards against an army, but she has two aces in the hole: The miners are on her side, and Elke, Ripple Creek's psychotic demolition expert, has a nuke. The problem with Elke having a nuke is that Elke WILL use it.
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