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MAGIX Video Pro X2.5 v9.0.7.14 (C2).rar

leo2222 / MAGIX Video Pro X2.5 v9.0.7.14 (C2) [ENG] [Keymaker CORE] / MAGIX Video Pro X2.5 v9.0.7.14 (C2).rar
Download: MAGIX Video Pro X2.5 v9.0.7.14 (C2).rar

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MAGIX Video Pro X2.5 v9.0.7.14 (C2) [ENG] [Keymaker CORE]

MAGIX Video Pro X2 Jest profesjonalnym programem do edycji filmów. Program ten powstał z myślą o użytkownikach domowych i profesjonalistach, którzy potrzebują zaawansowaną, ale intuicyjną a zarazem prostą w obsłudze aplikację. MAGIX Video Pro X2 to zwycięzca wielu konkursów niezawodności i możliwości.

MAGIX Video Pro X, to program do nieliniowej obróbki obrazu. Interfejs programu przypomina nieco Uleada Media Studio Pro 8, także filozofia pracy jest podobna. Program radzi sobie zrówno z materiałem HDV jak i AVCHD. Na pierwszy rzut oka zaskakują duże możliwości edycji dźwięku, sporo filtrów oraz efektów, wielość ścieżek itp.



MAGIX Video Pro X2.5 is a highly sophisticated video editing solution geared towards the unique requirements of ambitious and professional users. The multiple award-winning video workstation offers an unrivaled range of powerful editing tools and sophisticated virtual equipment for detailed audio dubbing. Optimized workflow layout and unique performance tools guarantee precise editing that will turn your vision into a reality. State-of-the-art digital technology, innovative functions, and the accumulation of years of expert experience in the field of video and audio combine to guarantee professional results in perfect sound and vision.

Version 2.5 now available:

Simply use the MAGIX Video Pro X2 update function to upgrade your program version for free.

NEW in MAGIX Video Pro X2.5:

• Export preset for MPEG-2 I-Frame only • Support for DVCPRO50/DVCPROHD camcorder • Greatly improved screen capturing • and much more

Professional editing
NEW! Efficient 3-point cut
MAGIX Video Pro X2 features a 3-point cut function that makes inserting video clips into the
timeline even easier.

Choose a position in the arrangement where you wish to insert a clip. Then simply add a start position to the file you want to import. The computer automatically calculates the cut points and precisely fills in the gaps in the timeline.

New in version 2.5:
The 3-point-cut is now even more convenient and also offers alignment towards the end of the range - for an even more efficient workflow!

Intuitive workflow
Open timeline
Thanks to the open timeline, you can import and edit different video formats in SD or HD resolution like DV, HDV, or AVCHD without having to adjust the files to the project settings or convert the files into a proprietary intermediate format.

Extensive format support
IMPROVED! Compatibility with all common video formats

MAGIX Video Pro X2 is compatible with all current video formats.

Users can work with all current SD and HD formats such as DV, HDV and AVCHD and XDCAM.

Even more professional: MAGIX Video Pro X2.5 supports* recordings from DVCPRO50- and DVCPROHD cameras – guaranteeing movies in highest technical quality. Due to extremely high data rates and outstanding image quality the DVCPRO50/DVCPROHD codec is accepted as a standard in broadcasting companies.

* Available through MAGIX Video Pro X2.5 (only $99,99)

AVCHD Lite support

Complete support of the new AVCHD substandard for camcorders and digital photo cameras. AVCHD lite supports video recordings up to 720p and may be imported without difficulty into Video Pro X2 for further editing. The processed results may be burned onto AVCHD disc or Blu-ray and played back on Blu-ray players.

XDCAM file import

MAGIX Video Pro X2 supports importing and editing of professional XDCAM material without the need for additional upgrades

NEW! Faster and improved direct support of Video-DSLRs

MAGIX Video Pro X2 supports the latest generation of digital video DSLRs. Direct support for models such as Canon 5d Mark II and Canon 7d has been improved and accelarated.

Universal output options
Integrated disc authoring module

MAGIX Video Pro X2 features several visually appealing templates for creating DVDs which you can manually adjust according to your needs. Customized menus can be saved as templates. You can also create individual DVD menus from the movie material of a project.

Extended MPEG-2 settings provide full control over the image quality. You can include up to eight audio tracks on your DVDs. This is especially useful for creating multilingual DVDs or DVDs with different sound formats (5.1 Surround, stereo).


strona producenta: http://www.magix.com/
system operacyjny: Windows XP/Vista/Seven


Program nie posiada podpisu cyfrowego, antywirusowi należy zezwolić na jego instalację.

- zainstaluj program
- uruchom keymaker jako administrator
- w polu 'Please select product type' wybierz 'MAGIX Video Pro X2'
- w polu 'Please select specyfic product' wybierz 'MAGIX Video Pro X2 9 Download Version'
- kliknij na 'Generate
- uruchom program
- w pole 'Serial Number' wklej 'Serial Number' z keymakera
- następnie poniżej po lewej kliknij na 'Activate program by post/fax
- następnie kliknij na 'Enter activation code'
- w pole 'Activation Code' wklej 'Activation Code' z keymakera
- kliknij na 'Unlock Program' -> 'OK'


Win 7 32bit - screen po instalacji: http://zapodaj.net/acb5c145a14b.jpg.html
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W ramach Chomikuj.pl stosujemy pliki cookies by umożliwić Ci wygodne korzystanie z serwisu. Jeśli nie zmienisz ustawień dotyczących cookies w Twojej przeglądarce, będą one umieszczane na Twoim komputerze. W każdej chwili możesz zmienić swoje ustawienia. Dowiedz się więcej w naszej Polityce Prywatności