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  • 445,0 MB
  • 9 maj 15 12:38
the lair sezon 3
episodes 7-9
Tim suspects that Athan may have stolen some historic documents from the local museum and they have a tense standoff.
Colin and Matty discover the dead body in the parking lot of the Harbor Light and Colin promises to cover it up.
Von Hess tells Damian that she is seeking revenge on him, but she’s not ready yet to reveal what it’s all about.

z chomika angieszka

  • 431,3 MB
  • 9 maj 15 12:38
the lair sezon 3
episodes 4-6
Thom meets with Harris and after a few bottles of wine the two find themselves in bed together. Athan has a horrifying nightmare in which he relives the gorgon's curse. Tim tries to help, but Athan pushes him away in a fit of panic. Trout continues to torment himself over the fate of Dennis, the young man he tried to help, but failed and receives a phone call from Deputy Miller letting him know that Marcus Stiles, the sole suspect in Dennis's case has been captured at last. Richie comes to Thom’s house, desperate and alone, he puts a gun to his head and pulls the trigger!
Thom rushes to get the unconscious Richie to the hospital, where both Dr. Kent and Sheriff Trout suspect that there may be more to the shooting than first meets the eye.
Frankie and Thom go to the old graveyard using the information they have gathered from Harris and they dig up an old trunk containing the mummified head of Carter Vane!

z chomika angieszka

  • 444,4 MB
  • 9 maj 15 12:38
the lair sezon 3
episodes 1-3
Thom is struggling to live among the vampires of the Lair as it’s only human occupant. His monogamous relationship with Damian forces him to be the sole source of Damian’s blood nourishment and Thom is slowly wasting away.
Sheriff Trout revisits an old case and is puzzled by what seems to be someone knocking at the door, only to find no one there when he goes to answer it.
At the Arkham Harbor Light Tim meets, Athan a stranger who waers dark sunglasses at all times. Athan takes up Tim’s offer to rent a room in what was once Dr. Waldman’s house. After Tim leaves Athan hooks up with a young man, Charley, which results in Charley’s horrific death. Athan is a male gorgon and his stare suddenly turns Charley into stone.
Damian has Richie place his painting in a hidden room, where an old disused telephone begins to ring. Answering it Richie tells Damian that the voice on the other end was Colin… and that he’s coming back!
Richie places Colin’s ashes in a safe place under his bed, waiting for his next call from the dead.
Thom catches Damian with another man and finally tells him that their affair is over. But Thom can't be sure of his true feelings, suspecting that Damian may be using magic to create the illusion of what Thom truly feels.
Frankie appears to Thom and encourages him to check out a new book about the island's supernatural history written by a local author, Harris Chichester. The book tells of the Ring of Erebus, buried somewhere on the island, that imparts a magical shield to whoever wears it. Thom is skeptical but agrees to think about it.
Sheriff Trout has a flashback to his time spent mentoring a young man named Dennis, who we learn was the victim of an cold case murder that happened on the island two years earlier. Gary and Richie perform a ghastly blood ritual and revive Colin!
Thom goes to the bookstore and bumps into Athan, who has also purchased the book Thom is seeking. Thom meets the author, Harris, and the two hit it off. Frankie later convinces Thom to go back to visit Harris that night and see if Harris has any clue as to where the Ring of Erebus might be hidden. He also learns that the ring was buried 200 years ago with the disembodied head of the sorcerer, Carter Vane. The legend says that whoever would protect Vane's head would receive one wish… a wish that would last only for as long as that person possessed and protected Vane's head!

z chomika angieszka

  • 160,3 MB
  • 9 maj 15 12:38
the lair sezon 3
Tim suspects that Athan may have stolen some historic documents from the local museum and they have a tense standoff.

z chomika angieszka

  • 142,9 MB
  • 9 maj 15 12:38
the lair sezon 3
Colin and Matty discover the dead body in the parking lot of the Harbor Light and Colin promises to cover it up.

z chomika angieszka

  • 149,4 MB
  • 9 maj 15 12:38
the lair sezon 3
Frankie and Thom go to the old graveyard using the information they have gathered from Harris and they dig up an old trunk containing the mummified head of Carter Vane!

z chomika angieszka

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