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The Addams Family 1964 season 1
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Rodzina Addamsów (ang. The Addams Family, 1964-1966) – serial amerykański opowiadający o losach rodziny Addams.

Opis fabuły
Serial opowiada o rodzinie jak z horroru. Addamsowie to potworna rodzina sadystów, masochistów i potworów. Mieszkają na bagnach w ogromnym, zapuszczonym dworze. Ich dom pełen jest narzędzi tortur, ukrytych przejść i pułapek. Mimo to serial nie jest horrorem, a parodią horrorów, pełnym czarnego humoru i zabawnych scen.

Ken Weatherwax – Pugsley Addams
Felix Silla – Kuzyn Coś
Marie Blake – Babcia Addams
Jackie Coogan – Wujek Fester Frump
Carolyn Jones – Morticia Addams/Kuzynka Ophilia
John Astin – Gomez Addams
Lisa Loring – Wednesday Thursday Addams

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  • 173,4 MB
  • 26 lis 20 10:14
Uncle Fester gets the idea from a magazine article that Gomez's and Morticia's marriage is doomed to fail because they are too compatible.

Guest stars: French psychiatrist François Chalon, the author of the article (played by Lee Bergere), poses as a friend of Fester's in an attempt to create conflict. Character actor Jan Arvan plays the leader of Gomez's "zen yogi [sic]" society, Drashi Dumo.

Notes: Lurch decides not to try to remove Drashi Dumo's turban when he visits, typically groaning and shaking his head.
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  • 26 lis 20 10:14
Fester's pen-pal Madelyn Cavendish Beauregard Faversham Firestone Smith (Elisabeth Fraser) writes that she will visit, and Fester has told her several lies in their correspondence. Mostly he is concerned that he has no hair, and he said that he was an athlete. When she drops by unexpectedly, he must assume his false appearance and personality.

Notes: Established actor Frederic Downs plays the toupee salesman who makes a house call. Gomez and Morticia bowl in the living room, without a bowling alley, and both perform feats that might be called supernatural. Morticia implies that Fester's pen-pal Madelyn (who has had five husbands) is nothing more than a gold-digger. Fester puts a large "Y" in the front of his coat, and has Lurch bring out a tackling dummy with a large "H" on its jersey.

Family mentioned: Cousin Droop (not to be confused with neither Morticia's Grandpa Droop who was previously mentioned in "Morticia, the Breadwinner" nor Gomez's Uncle Droop who was previously mentioned in "Lurch Learns to Dance"; he dropped the mirror that Gomez modeled toupees for Uncle Fester, for luck), Cousin Bleak (previously mentioned in "The Addams Family Tree"; the toupee tried on reminded Gomez about the time when a bunch of boll weevils got into his hair), General Ulysses S. Addams (who surrendered at the 1863 Vicksburg when the enemy soldiers caught up with him), Cousin Squint (not to be confused with Grandpa Squint who was mentioned in "Fester's Punctured Romance," "Gomez the Politician," and "Amnesia in the Addams Family" or Grandma Squint who was mentioned in "Lurch Learns to Dance"), whose leg in the swordfish is all they could save of him (however in "The Addams Family Tree," the leg's former owner was identified as "Cousin Farouk").
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  • 26 lis 20 10:14
Lurch's musical talent earns him a record deal and legions of teenage fans. However, his scheduled "world tour" comes to a sudden end when he is mobbed by fans.

Notes: Wednesday performs the Watusi and Gomez demonstrates the Freddie to Lurch's recording. Mizzy Bickle (played by Herkie Styles; coincidentally the name "Mizzy" is the same as the last name of the theme song's composer) owns the record company and Gladys (Laurie Mitchell) is his assistant. Susie (Noanna (a.k.a. Joanna) Dix) and Claire (Pamela (Pam) McMyler ) are two of Lurch's fans.
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  • 26 lis 20 10:14
Morticia and Gomez call an expert, Mortimer Phelps (Richard Deacon), to find Cousin Itt a job after he fails at being a marriage counsellor, almost splitting up Gomez and Morticia in the process.

Notes: Lurch goes to Cousin Itt's room, where he can't stand up, and speaks Cousin Itt's language. Later, the vocational counselor discovers he can understand and speak to Itt, too. Gomez looks very much like Groucho Marx in Duck Soup when he wears an old-fashioned nightgown and a nightcap with a tassel.

Family mentioned: Cornelius Addams whose cup of tea was failure; Gomez's Cousin Trivia (not to be confused with Aunt Trivia from "Lurch and his Harpsicord") who found a job after she got out of the WACs...wax museum.
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  • 26 lis 20 10:14
When Gomez and Morticia keep Wednesday and Pugsley home from school, truant officer Sam Hilliard (Allyn Joslyn) pays a visit. After Gomez and Morticia are persuaded to let the kids go to school, they take action after a fairy tale book that depicts a violent action where a knight slaying a dragon saddens Wednesday.

Madge Blake guest-stars as the principal Miss Comstock, Nydia Westman as Miss Morrison, and Rolfe Sedan as the postman.

Family mentioned: Cousin Imar, who has three arms.
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  • 26 lis 20 10:14
Gomez and Morticia call in a child psychiatrist Dr. Black (George O. Petrie) when they fear that Pugsley is becoming normal.

Cartoon reference: The Pugsley character is in a Boy Scout uniform saluting in front of a mirror. The parents watch from an open door. The caption reads "Well, he certainly doesn't take after my side of the family."

Romance: Morticia's first use of the word "Bubele" prompts Gomez's comparatively modest reaction, which will become the more exaggerated "Tish, that's French" shtick as the series evolves.
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  • 26 lis 20 10:14
Uncle Fester is looking for love, but when door-to-door saleslady Miss Carver (Merry Anders) comes knocking, he and the family are not certain she is his type.

Family mentioned: Cousin Eustace (Morticia knits a sweater with a long neck). Grandpa Squint and Aunt Vendetta (who may or may not be alive, causing Gomez to check).

Note: The growling bearskin rug is named Bruno.
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  • 26 lis 20 10:14
Election day is nearing, and the Addams' proud tradition of backing losing candidates continues when Sam L. Hillard (Allyn Joslyn) runs for city council.

Family mentioned: Cousin Grisly's portrait of him facing a firing squad. Uncle "Kiss of Death" Blight who masterminded the presidential campaigns of Al Smith, Wendell Willkie and Adlai Stevenson. Grandpa Squint, whom Abraham Lincoln supposedly begged for his political support but instead backed Stephen Douglas; Squint's role in the 1860 presidential election implies that he was born in the 1840s or earlier, yet Morticia mentions having had a conversation with him at some earlier point in her marriage to Gomez, at which point Squint would have been over a century old.

Cartoon reference: The neighbors are disturbed by Uncle Fester sharpening the spikes on the fence.
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  • 26 lis 20 10:14
A family rivalry with the Pomeroys prompts Gomez to trace his family's ancestry. This causes the Addams Family to enlist a genealogist to trace their family history.

Frank Nelson guest-stars as Mr. Pomeroy.

Family mentioned: Cousin Bleak (who had a middle eye that drooped), Morticia's Cousin Curdle (implied to have at least one eye in the back of her head), Cousin Farouk (named as the owner of the leg jutting from the stuffed swordfish on the wall), Aunt Blemish (who is mistaken for a barn in a photo), Grandpa Slurp (mistaken for two people in a photo, has bucked teeth and a receding chin), Gomez's Cousin Clot (who was sentenced to the electric chair), Grand-Uncle Grisly (who was a traitor but only did it for the money), an unnamed family of Addamses who live up the Amazon river where the head of its family went missing, Mamoud Kali Pashka Addams (the Firebug of the Bosporus who burned the Library of Alexandria in 270 AD), Black Bart Addams and Bloody Addams (presumably pirates).

Note: The family's pet jaguar Fang is mentioned.
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  • 26 lis 20 10:14
Mistaking two robbers named Claude (Don Rickles) and Marty (Skip Homeier) for trick-or-treaters, the family takes them in for a Halloween celebration.
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  • 26 lis 20 10:14
Morticia's lunch with the Ladies League is discovered by Pugsley's new friend Gorgo the Gorilla who had escaped from a failing circus--and learns enough domestic skills to unnerve Lurch.

Note: George Barrows, who played a gorilla in many films, beginning in 1934, gets a rare credit for playing Gorgo.
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  • 26 lis 20 10:14
When Moticia's childhood friend, Lionel Barker (Del Moore), visits, Gomez views him as an old beau and current rival. Fearing he and Morticia might run off together, Gomez hires an awkward, man-crazy maid named Mildred (Pattie Chapman) to pull Lionel from Morticia.
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  • 26 lis 20 10:14
A newlywed couple move in next door and are frightened by the family, so they attempt to break their lease.

Romance: Morticia speaks French ("au contraire") and Gomez does not react — nor did he react in any episode prior. However, this is the first episode in which Gomez says of Morticia "It drives me wild," in reaction to her bullfrog imitation, and starts to embrace her.
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  • 26 lis 20 10:14
When Wednesday is punished for using Uncle Fester's explosives, she threatens to run away from home, but Pugsley persuades her to hide in his room instead. Later she leaves the house but is picked up and taken to the police station, where she is interrogated by Sgt. Haley (Jesse White), a detective from the police department's missing persons bureau.

Note: Wednesday's middle name is "Friday." Lisa Loring had lost her front teeth as children do and Morticia mentions it in the opening scene. There are several closeup shots of Wednesday showing that her teeth are missing.
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  • 26 lis 20 10:14
A pair of foreign dignitaries (Stanley Adams and Vito Scotti) want to meet a normal American family. That normal family happens to be the Addams.

Family mentioned: Fester's Cousin Creep who was lost to a ray gun.

Romance: This is the first episode in which Gomez reacts specifically to Morticia's use of French, "Tish, when you speak French you drive me wild!", kissing her arm.

Note: The cigar store Indian is made of metal. The piranhas are named Tristan and Isolda. Stanley Adams also guest starred in a classic Star Trek episode selling Tribbles.
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  • 26 lis 20 10:14
Morticia's cousin Melancholia comes to stay after breaking up with her fiancé.

Family mentioned: Cousin Gripe (who used the "Hasty Marriage" marriage broker), Uncle Crimp (whose sweater has one arm longer than the other). Morticia mentions that she has "lots" of female cousins in addition to Melancholia.
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  • 26 lis 20 10:14
The Addams family take care of an injured motorcyclist (Tom Lowell) and attempt to reunite him with his disapproving father (Barry Kelley).
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  • 26 lis 20 10:14
Morticia and Gomez encourage Lurch to attend the annual Butlers' Ball and teach him how to dance in preparation.

Note: Slapstick comedy of Lurch learning to dance. The teacher sent by the Fred Walters Dance Studio faints upon seeing Lurch, and then again upon seeing Pugsley's horned toad, and then when she sees Thing. The scene of Wednesday and Lurch performing ballet is unforgettable.

Family mentioned: Lurch's father (who wanted him to be a jockey), Uncle Droop (whose ashes are in an urn) and Aunt Drip in a portrait painting (normal looking). Cousin Blob who was afraid of ghosts — until he became one himself. Grandma Squint who can be heard on dark, stormy nights from the attic cackling.
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  • 26 lis 20 10:14
Grandmama takes up painting and hires Picasso — Sam Picasso (Vito Scotti)— as her teacher.

Family mentioned: Fester makes an urn for his Grandfather Malaplop — who is not dead yet.

Notes: Vito Scotti and Hugh Sanders appear for the first time as artist and art critic, respectively.

Cartoon reference: Morticia with Lurch carrying a suitcase, shows a guest to his room. The caption reads: "This is your room. If you should need anything, just scream."
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  • 26 lis 20 10:14
Pugsley's ham radio hobby inadvertently convinces an undercover operative (George N. Neise) that the Addams family are spies and recruits local tradespeople to infiltrate the house like the postman Mr. Briggs (Rolfe Sedan) and the plumber Mr. Conkey (Norman Leavitt).

Family mentioned: Gomez shoots a bullet-hole silhouette of Uncle Flub, who has a "fine, sensitive drooping chin," is prone to tremble, and cannot write; the fact that Morticia is aware of this last fact and Gomez is not, implies Flub is Morticia's uncle.

Note: The Addams are seen smoking from a hookah.
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  • 26 lis 20 10:14
Uncle Fester has lost his electrical charge and spoils a family outing. They then call a doctor named Dr. Milford (Lauren Gilbert) when their witch doctor named Dr. Mbogo is unable to make a house call.
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  • 26 lis 20 10:14
Morticia and Gomez pose as Lurch's maid and butler when his mother (Ellen Corby) comes for a visit, and Lurch takes only too well to the concept of being head of household.

Family mentioned: Morticia's Cousin Slimy (who has two heads), Gomez's Cousin Manuel (who was a pyromaniac), Cousin Imar (three arms and went to Princeton University; previously mentioned in "The Addams Family Goes to School").

Romance: This is the first episode in which Morticia "drives me wild" becomes a regular gag with Gomez kissing Morticia's arm, as some permutation of the shtick appears four times in the episode.

Note: Gomez claims he was born with a mustache. Fester appears to be eating a nopal.
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  • 26 lis 20 10:14
Having gone everywhere else on their vacations, the Addams family plan a vacation to the moon. To fund this trip, the family propose to their broker Ralph J. Hulen (Roland Winters), a plan to raise money by betting on eight champion racehorses (picked out by Whizzo, a computer built by Gomez and Pugsley) competing in every broadcast horse race.

Romance: contains the first full development of the French shtick which occurs with regularity in the series: "Tish! When you speak French you drive me wild! Speak some more French, Tish! Anything! Tout à l'heure. La plume de ma tante. Mademoiselle from Armentieres! Anything!"

Family mentioned: Cousin Nanook, who sent a totem pole to the Addams family for Christmas and wanted their bear in return; Fester called him an "Eskimo giver".
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  • 26 lis 20 10:14
Grandmama is arrested by an undercover police officer named Lt. Poston for telling fortunes and soon the whole family is being held in contempt of court.

Hal Smith guest-stars as Judge Harvey Saunders. Familiar faces Lela Bliss, who plays Judge Saunders' wife ("Harrr-VEY!"), Gail Bonney[1][circular reference] and Ray Walker also appear.

Family mentioned: Mamoud Kali Pashka Addams, the "Firebug of the Bosporus" who was previously mentioned in "The Addams Family Tree." Morticia's Cousin Cringe who ate the hacksaw in the cake that was made for him and later developed a taste for them.

Note: The front gate is named "Gate". Morticia is shown to be able to ignite candles with just a touch. Grandmama tells fortunes using a crystal ball that is said to come from a chandelier. At the end of the episode, Morticia demonstrates the same ability.
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  • 26 lis 20 10:14
Pint-sized Cousin Itt visits, and Gomez and Morticia try to get him a job as a zoo curator.

Alan Reed (Fred Flintstone) guest-stars.

Note: The radio announcer states the Addams Family's house is in the Greenbriar, Woodlawn area on North Cemetery Drive.
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  • 26 lis 20 10:14
A mishap with his new exercise clubs causes Gomez to lose his memory and become normal.

Family mentioned: Grandpa Squint (Morticia reads from his medical book; he was previously mentioned in "Fester's Punctured Romance" and "Gomez the Politician").
  • 174,6 MB
  • 26 lis 20 10:14
When Thing disappears after feeling neglected, the family believe he has been "thingnapped," and hire the famous detective Sam...Diamond (Tommy Farrell).

Note: Their address is shown as "0001 Cemetery Lane". Thing's full name is "Thing T. Thing" and the T stands for Thing.

Cartoon reference: In an Addams cartoon, Wednesday cuts a chain of paper dolls and the middle one oddly has three legs. There is no caption. Morticia cuts a chain of paper dolls in this episode and the middle one has three legs.
  • 174,1 MB
  • 26 lis 20 10:14
A museum owner named Mr. Belmont (Byron Foulger) takes an interest in Lurch's Krupnik harpsichord, so the Addams family plan to donate it to the museum much to Lurch's horror.

Note: Gomez remarks that the harpsichord's measurements are exactly as Morticia's: 36-21-36. Established actors Leonard (credited as Lennie) Bremen and Ray Galvin appear as a couple of bumbling moving men who are fearful of Lurch. Lurch gets a drum kit as a replacement for the harpsichord and shows that he knows his way around it, but doesn't really play anything. Gomez and Fester get themselves tangled together in a jointed ruler, an old vaudeville routine [2] .

Family mentioned: Aunt Trivia who wasn't a music lover but liked to go around kissing harpsichords. The family's harpsichord was in Cousin Crimp's family for 400 years where Cousin Crimp (not to be confused with Uncle Crimp who was previously mentioned in "Morticia the Matchmaker") used to write four-handed compositions for the harpsichord and play them by himself.
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  • 26 lis 20 10:14
A newspaper story about a stock market tumble panics Fester and Morticia into believing Gomez is bankrupt. He's actually trying to buy a railroad. Morticia discovers she holds shares in the railroad and tries to sell them to raise money for the family, unaware that Gomez is the buyer.

Guest-starring Milton Frome as Mr. Blooker. Actors John "Red" Fox, Maxine Semon and Ceil Cabot also appear.

In-joke: When Fester and Morticia are trying to decide on a fake name, Morticia suggests "Jones."

Family mentioned: Aunt Phobia, in whose sleeping bag Gomez once hid a nest of hornets; the later episode "Morticia's Romance, Part 1" clarifies that Phobia is Morticia's (or perhaps Fester's) aunt, not Gomez's. Cousin Crimp, whose glass eye Morticia and Fester find in the family safe and was previously mentioned in "Lurch and his Harpsichord." Morticia's Grandpa Droop, who gave her stock certificates for her twelfth birthday.
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  • 26 lis 20 10:14
Uncle Fester applies for a job as an insurance salesman with the same company which is threatening to cancel the Addams' policy.

Guest stars Parley Baer and Eddie Quillan make their first appearance together on the show as bumbling insurance bureaucrats Arthur J. Henson and Horace Beesley.

Family mentioned: Admiral John Paul Addams, who fought in a sea battle against Hideki Tojo's forces and the German Flotilla where his inspiring words before battle were "If you need me, I'll be in my cabin." It was mentioned that he was hanged 200 years ago. The gag where the cannon shot sinks the ship in the painting is similar to one in W. C. Fields's International Hotel.

Uncle Fester demonstrates "magnetic" powers when applying for the insurance job. Fester has a bed of nails, a concert harp and a table lamp that appears to be made from an armadillo in his bedroom.
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