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  • 318 KB
  • 17 cze 11 22:28
Each book in the comprehensive World History series offers a clearly written and visually enhanced overview of an important historical event or period. The series is designed both to acquaint readers with the basics of history and to make them aware that their lives and their own historical era are an intimate part of the ongoing human saga.


  • 159 KB
  • 17 cze 11 22:28
The rare and perfectly published book on numismatics. The detailed description of coins and tamha-hanskih clans of the Mongolian Empire and the Mongolian dynasty Yuan correcting in China in XIII-XIV centuries the Considerable quantity of colour illustrations. Deep study of types and versions of coins and tamga and their ordering.


  • 12 KB
  • 17 cze 11 22:28
Applying the Weberian concept of the routinization of charisma, the book examines the transformation of the nomadic empire of Tamerlane into a sedentary polity based on the Perso-Islamic model by focusing on the reign of the last Timurid ruler Suln-usain Bayqara in fifteenth-century Iran.


  • 16 KB
  • 17 cze 11 22:28
Thomas Allsen is one of the foremost historians of the Mongol empire. His latest book breaks new scholarly boundaries in its exploration of cultural and scientific exchanges between Iran and China. Contrary to popular belief, Mongol rulers were intensely interested in the culture of their sedentary subjects. Under their auspices, various commodities, ideologies and technologies were disseminated across Eurasia. The result was a lively exchange of scientists, scholars and ritual specialists between East and West. The book is broad-ranging and erudite and promises to become a classic in the field.


  • 32 KB
  • 17 cze 11 22:28
This is the first serious study of Tamerlane, the great nomad conqueror who rose to power in 1370 on the ruins of the Mongol Empire and led his armies on campaigns of unprecedented scope, ranging from Moscow to Delhi. As the last nomad ruler to unite the steppe regions of Eurasia, Tamerlane marks the transition from the era of nomad conquest and rule to the modern ascendency of the settled world.


  • 247 KB
  • 17 cze 11 22:28
This early Western history of Genghis Khan, the 13th-century Mongol Emperor who established the world’s largest contiguous empire, is by Francois Petis (1622-95), an interpreter of Arabic and Turkish at the French court. In a long and distinguished career, Petis translated a history of France into Turkish, compiled a French-Turkish dictionary, and created a catalog of the Turkish and Persian manuscripts owned by the king of France. Francois Petis de la Croix (1653-1713), the son of Francois Petis, took over the position of interpreter from his father in 1695. In 1710, he published his father’s history of Genghis Khan. This edition is an English translation, which appeared in London some 12 years later. The translation is by Penelope Aubin (1679-1731), an English novelist, playwright, poet, and translator.


  • 46 KB
  • 17 cze 11 22:28
Originally published 1928.
Covering thousands of miles, Clavijo's epic journey began and ended in Cadiz taking in Rhodes, Constantinople, the Black Sea, and Central Asia.
Guy Le Strange's extensive introduction gives excellent historical and political background for the account and the material is supplemented with seven maps and plans.


  • 10,1 MB
  • 17 cze 11 22:28


  • 44 KB
  • 17 cze 11 22:28
He was born Temujin, the son of a khan, raised in a clan of hunters migrating across the rugged steppe. Temujin’s young life was shaped by a series of brutal acts: the betrayal of his father by a neighboring tribe and the abandonment of his entire family, cruelly left to die on the harsh plain. But Temujin endured—and from that moment on, he was driven by a singular fury: to survive in the face of death, to kill before being killed, and to conquer enemies who could come without warning from beyond the horizon.

Through a series of courageous raids against the Tartars, Temujin’s legend grew. And so did the challenges he faced—from the machinations of a Chinese ambassador to the brutal abduction of his young wife, Borte. Blessed with ferocious courage, it was the young warrior’s ability to learn, to imagine, and to judge the hearts of others that propelled him to greater and greater power. Until Temujin was chasing a vision: to unite many tribes into one, to make the earth tremble under the hoofbeats of a thousand warhorses, to subject unknown nations and even empires to his will.


  • 28 KB
  • 17 cze 11 22:28
For sixty years, from 1260-1323, the Mamluk state in Egypt and Syria was at war with the Ilkhanid Mongols based in Persia. This is the first comprehensive study of the political and military aspects of the early years of the war, from the battle of Ayn Jalut in 1260 to the battle of Homs in 1281. Between these campaigns, both sides were engaged in various types of psychological warfare. Here, as in the major battles, the Mamluks usually gained the upper hand, establishing themselves as the most important Muslim power at the time.

- Original study of political and military aspects of Mamluk-Ilkhanid wars
- Persian and Arabic sources used for the first time
- A very readable account by a scholar who is well known in the field


  • 185 KB
  • 17 cze 11 22:28
Thirteen century Europeans knew all too well the ravages left behind by Attila the Hun. This new scourge by the Mongols, who had already laid to waste a great part of Central Europe, were again knocking at the doors of mainland Italy. Except for their complete ruthlessness, little else was known about them. The Pope, whose predecessor had received credit for having saved Europe from Attila, was
faced with a similar dilemma. But, how could he fight against an enemy about whom he and the Europeans had little if any updated information? Thus, the mission to the Tartars, and Carpini's first account available to Europe. And, now, for the first time, translated and published in English.


  • 156 KB
  • 17 cze 11 22:28
Although it is generally believed that the Manchus controlled the Mongols through their patronage of Tibetan Buddhism, scant attention has been paid to the Mongol view of the Qing imperial project. In contrast to other accounts of Manchu rule, Our Great Qing focuses not only on what images the metropole wished to project into Mongolia, but also on what images the Mongols acknowledged themselves. Rather than accepting the Manchu’s use of Buddhism, Johan Elverskog begins by questioning the static, unhistorical, and hegemonic view of political life implicit in the Buddhist explanation. By stressing instead the fluidity of identity and Buddhist practice as processes continually developing in relation to state formations, this work explores how Qing policies were understood by Mongols and how they came to see themselves as Qing subjects.

In his investigation of Mongol society on the eve of the Manchu conquest, Elverskog reveals the distinctive political theory of decentralization that fostered the civil war among the Mongols. He explains how it was that the Manchu Great Enterprise was not to win over "Mongolia" but was instead to create a unified Mongol community of which the disparate preexisting communities would merely be component parts.To foster this change, Manchu rulers sought religious sanction "from above" through the cult of Chinggis Khan and with this mandate set about to restructure the cult itself and the Mongol aristocrats as members of a unified empire. As a result, the Mongol nobility came to see themselves as representing a single community that had been rescued by the gracious Manchu rulers during the civil wars of the early seventeenth century. A key element fostering this change was the Qing court’s promotion of Gelukpa orthodoxy, which not only transformed Mongol historical narratives and rituals but also displaced the earlier vernacular Mongolian Buddhism. Finally, Elverskog demonstrates how this eighteenth-century conception of a Mongol community, ruled by an aristocracy and nourished by a Buddhist emperor, gave way to a pan-Qing solidarity of all Buddhist peoples against Muslims and Christians and to local identities that united for the first time aristocrats with commoners in a new Mongol Buddhist identity on the eve of the twentieth century.

By providing an intellectual history of Mongol self-representations in late imperial China, Our Great Qing offers an insightful analysis of the principal changes that Mongolian concepts of community, rule, and religion underwent from 1500 to 1900 while offering new insights into Qing and Buddhist history. It will be essential reading for a range of different audiences, from those working specifically in Sino-Inner Asian history to those interested more broadly in the history of empires, their peripheries, and the role of religion in communal and state formations.


  • 218 KB
  • 17 cze 11 22:28
From about 1600 to 1800, the Qing empire of China expanded to unprecedented size. Through astute diplomacy, economic investment, and a series of ambitious military campaigns into the heart of Central Eurasia, the Manchu rulers defeated the Zunghar Mongols, and brought all of modern Xinjiang and Mongolia under their control, while gaining dominant influence in Tibet. The China we know is a product of these vast conquests.Peter C. Perdue chronicles this little-known story of China's expansion into the northwestern frontier. Unlike previous Chinese dynasties, the Qing achieved lasting domination over the eastern half of the Eurasian continent. Rulers used forcible repression when faced with resistance, but also aimed to win over subject peoples by peaceful means. They invested heavily in the economic and administrative development of the frontier, promoted trade networks, and adapted ceremonies to the distinct regional cultures.Perdue thus illuminates how China came to rule Central Eurasia and how it justifies that control, what holds the Chinese nation together, and how its relations with the Islamic world and Mongolia developed. He offers valuable comparisons to other colonial empires and discusses the legacy left by China's frontier expansion. The Beijing government today faces unrest on its frontiers from peoples who reject its autocratic rule. At the same time, China has launched an ambitious development program in its interior that in many ways echoes the old Qing policies.China Marches West is a tour de force that will fundamentally alter the way we understand Central Eurasia.


  • 33 KB
  • 17 cze 11 22:28
The interaction between the Eurasian pastoralnomads - most famously the Mongols and Turks -and the surrounding sedentary societies is a major theme in world history. Nomads were not only raiders and conquerors, but also transmitted commodities, ideas, technologies and other cultural items. At the same time, their sedentary neighbours affected the nomads, in such aspects as religion, technology, and political culture. The essays in this volume use a broad comparative approach that highlights the multifarious nature of nomadic society and its changing relations with the sedentary world in the vicinity of China, Russia and the Middle East, from antiquity into the contemporary world.


  • 15 KB
  • 17 cze 11 22:28
'Thomas Allsen's book is a very compact and informative account of the cultural changes which took place during the supremacy of the Mongols. Allsen is able to share with the reader his impressive knowledge of the Arabic, Persian, and Chinese sources regarding the Mongols. The cross-cultural links, their implications and their background in this highly interesting period of history are presented in a systematic manner, making the book of great value for scholars in a variety of fields.' Bibliotheca Orientalis


  • 129 KB
  • 17 cze 11 22:28
This title available in eBook format. Click here for more information.Visit our eBookstore at: www.ebookstore.tandf.co.uk.Summary: Decent translation, but not well-sourcedRating: 3While I agree with other reviewers that this is a better translation than Cleaves, it is not very well-sourced. Onon makes many assertions based on "I know this because I am a Mongol" which are not, as far as I can tell, supportable. I would recommend Onon for his readability, but the two-volume Igor De Rachewiltz translation has far better annotations and commentary for scholarly purposes. Onon's assertions (especially about Buddhism in the Mongol Empire) should probably be taken with numerous grains of salt. Neither translation is particularly affordable for the average person, which is why we have interlibrary-loan.Summary: Must have book.Rating: 5Interested in Mongols' History? Think you know Chinggis khaan (Genghis Khan)? If you haven't read this book gotta have this one then. Without it you don't know a thing about Chinggis khaan. There are lots of translations of "The Secret History of the Mongols." But this. This is the best translation work! Urgunge Onon's translation is incomparable with other translations.Summary: Wonderful translation -- much more accurate than CleavesRating: 5This is an excellent translation of the Mongoliin Nuuts Tovchoo (Secret History of the Mongols). It is much more accurate that the Francis Cleaves edition. Onon fixes Cleaves' mistakes and explains why they are wrong. There are also good explanations of the mistakes of many of the Chinese interlinear notes in the early manuscript. Besides the outrageous price, this book is a "must have!"


  • 65 KB
  • 17 cze 11 22:28
The Mongol Empire comes to life in this vivid account of the lives of ordinary people who lived under the rule of Ghengis Khan. The book allows the reader to enjoy traditional Mongol folktales and experience life in a yurt, the tent in which the nomadic Mongols lived. It explains why the Mongols had a reputation for being savage barbarians by describing their fur-lined clothes and their heavy, meat- and alcohol-based diet. It supplies first-hand accounts of fighting in Ghengis Khan's decimalized army, and explores the various tasks that were left up to the women, such as loading and unloading the wagons when traveling. High school students and undergraduates can compare and contrast religious beliefs and various laws of the Mongols with those of other cultures they are studying. From traditional medicinal treatments to the Great Yasa law system, readers young and old can enjoy this comprehensive, in-depth study of everyday living during the Mongol Empire.


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